After attending both the Leading in a Connected World event and then presenting at the SL Future Salon I had a great opportunity to mull over what it takes to move an organization forward into programs or services that are more future thinking in nature. As we gear up for our SL event I am working our organization over building support and I want to share a very brief snippet of lessons learned;
Developing an 'off the radar' program is not always the best approach. Include open-minded people from key departments and build a momentum.
Be sure that the information loop includes anyone who can cancel the project at will. It is less about seeking permission and more about building consensus.
Other people will want a part of your project. Refuse to abdicate ownership and invite them in as a partnership, but never give up creative control during development.
Large organizations take so much energy to move. Look to work within the confines of the existing structure which will most certainly take more energy effort and creativity.