I am here at San Francisco. Last
night there were a ton of live entertainers from SL up on the convention center
stage. Frogg Marlowe and others brought their guitars and keyboards to
play live for the audience. It was very cool to meet numerous SL
Residents face to face and have the very real and sincere handshakes and conversations.
The event is in full swing and right now Mitch Kapor (developer of Lotus 123)
is onstage giving a brief history of his involvement with Second Life. As
a n investor and visionary Mitch helped mentor Philip and help him drive the
business strategy - a frugal strategy that made the company lean and efficient.
Skepticism is part of starting disruptive technology, and the ability the move
past that is a key for success. SL
started at a critical point when the nexus of the appropriate technology, and
social ideals converged.