The Exergaming and Exertainmnet components of health care could be a new model to help get youth active. At a recent conference US Surgeon General Dr. Carbona said, "The greatest threat o our national security is pediatric obesity". They psychological impacts of obesity are equally as damaging as the physical. Pediatric cancer patients have a better quality of life than obese kids. Physical activity being boring is one of the biggest oppositions to regular exercise. The creation of exertainment and exergaming as a medium to reach youth could hold the answer. Using gaming technology and virtual worlds to make physical activity fun and engaging for youth. One model is the Exertainment Zone. Tools such as the Sony eye-toy and Dance Dance Revolution are two great examples. Basketball originally was designed as a way to help athletes stay active during the winter months in Massachusets. The digital gamespace may soon have a fuul-body engagement game that breaks out.