As with the implementation of all new systems there are going to be some setbacks. Slashdot reports on a serious setback to the Kaiser Permanente health care company. The origin of the problem is their electronic patient record system. Slash dot writes that Kaiser has spent about $4 billion dollars on an unreliable electronic medical record system that is impacting patient care, according to a 722-page internal report revealed by Computerworld. Not a terribly good thing.
Thanks to CorpHQ for the note as well as bringing to light the 'dumping issue'. Although secondary it is clearly not a good thing.
More info on my blog (where no one realizes this story broke) -
Posted by: gadfly | November 16, 2006 at 02:28 PM
Also ich muss Euch heute UNBEDINGT den LaufSteg36 Salon in Regensburg empfehlen. Die Homepage ist uebrigens: ...
Hab gelesen, dass der Friseursalon LaufSteg36 hier in Regensburg, Bayern die Auszeichnung
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Zuerst hab ich auf deren Homepage mal nachgeschaut und war so
angenehm ueberrascht, denn die zeugt schon mal von der Qualitaet des Salons.
Ich kann ueber den Salon wirklich nur sagen: NOCH NIE BIN ICH IN SO GUTEN HAENDEN GEWESEN
WIE IM LAUFSTEG36 FRISEURSALON. Das Personal ist soooo nett & ausgesprochen kompetent.
Ich war noch nie zufriedener gewesen, nach einem Friseurbesuch.
Wie gesagt schaut mal auf deren Homepage und lasst Euch
dort mal so richtig verwöhnen ... ICH SAG NUR 15 MINUTEN KOPFMASSAGE ....
anderen sowieso weit abgeschlagen. ICH GEH NUR NOCH in den LaufSteg36 Salon zum Friseur:
Danke nochmal und weiter so, Simone
Posted by: SlMONE23 | March 29, 2009 at 02:09 AM
I wanted to know what do you think of Paris Hilton recent statements on the media
Check it here
Posted by: kingoftheages | August 31, 2009 at 04:10 PM
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Posted by: Arnold | October 15, 2009 at 04:29 AM
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Posted by: skdjiuerg76 | October 22, 2009 at 11:43 AM
The given catalogue of the sewing enterprises of Brest represents factories - manufacturers of fashionable lady's wear who offer lady's wear by the gross and small wholesale In Brest.
Практически все брестские фирмы выпускают несколько новых коллекций в год. Каталоги коллекций, цены ( опт ) на продукцию на сайтах фирм
Posted by: skdjiuerg76 | December 18, 2009 at 10:52 AM
Me and my girlfriend, a young couple, living with my parents and sister in a small one-room apartment. We're both learning at the university, I have to finish next year. In Moldova, it is very difficult to find a normal job, average wages were eating enough even a single person to live. Parents have often reminds us what we want to have to live for yourself. Favorite very upset about this and suffers. I very much love my girl, tried to work several jobs to at least rent a room, the money earned on them and go for services and for the food lacked. In our country, unfortunately, impossible to live without the help of parents... All information on our site:
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Posted by: igorirka | January 11, 2010 at 03:16 AM
Posted by: gnokllij | January 27, 2010 at 11:17 PM
Posted by: gnokllij | January 27, 2010 at 11:17 PM
Posted by: gnokllij | January 27, 2010 at 11:17 PM
Posted by: gnokllij | January 27, 2010 at 11:18 PM
Posted by: gnokllij | January 27, 2010 at 11:18 PM
Posted by: gnokllij | January 27, 2010 at 11:18 PM
cheaters room N 1 FU...
stop play FT fraud hands cheaters room N 1 FU...
I have watched some players winning hand after hand defying the statiscal probabilities. After such a player leaves the room, I immediatley did a search on their ID and I was told that they are not in the database. This is impossible. It should say they are not sitting at a table. I made sure to type the ID exactly the way they had it. Nobody's account just disappears.
The strange part is that this is in the play money rooms. Why would someone cheat for play money? Are they testing something to be later used for real money? Are they full tilt employees? Are they just sickos?
Posted by: cheaters poker | June 02, 2010 at 11:17 PM
cheaters room N 1 FU...
stop play FT fraud hands cheaters room N 1 FU...
I have watched some players winning hand after hand defying the statiscal probabilities. After such a player leaves the room, I immediatley did a search on their ID and I was told that they are not in the database. This is impossible. It should say they are not sitting at a table. I made sure to type the ID exactly the way they had it. Nobody's account just disappears.
The strange part is that this is in the play money rooms. Why would someone cheat for play money? Are they testing something to be later used for real money? Are they full tilt employees? Are they just sickos?
Posted by: cheaters poker | June 02, 2010 at 11:17 PM
cheaters room N 1 FU...
stop play FT fraud hands cheaters room N 1 FU...
I have watched some players winning hand after hand defying the statiscal probabilities. After such a player leaves the room, I immediatley did a search on their ID and I was told that they are not in the database. This is impossible. It should say they are not sitting at a table. I made sure to type the ID exactly the way they had it. Nobody's account just disappears.
The strange part is that this is in the play money rooms. Why would someone cheat for play money? Are they testing something to be later used for real money? Are they full tilt employees? Are they just sickos?
Posted by: cheaters poker | June 02, 2010 at 11:18 PM
cheaters room N 1 FU...
stop play FT fraud hands cheaters room N 1 FU...
I have watched some players winning hand after hand defying the statiscal probabilities. After such a player leaves the room, I immediatley did a search on their ID and I was told that they are not in the database. This is impossible. It should say they are not sitting at a table. I made sure to type the ID exactly the way they had it. Nobody's account just disappears.
The strange part is that this is in the play money rooms. Why would someone cheat for play money? Are they testing something to be later used for real money? Are they full tilt employees? Are they just sickos?
Posted by: cheaters poker | June 02, 2010 at 11:18 PM
cheaters room N 1 FU...
stop play FT fraud hands cheaters room N 1 FU...
I have watched some players winning hand after hand defying the statiscal probabilities. After such a player leaves the room, I immediatley did a search on their ID and I was told that they are not in the database. This is impossible. It should say they are not sitting at a table. I made sure to type the ID exactly the way they had it. Nobody's account just disappears.
The strange part is that this is in the play money rooms. Why would someone cheat for play money? Are they testing something to be later used for real money? Are they full tilt employees? Are they just sickos?
Posted by: cheaters poker | June 02, 2010 at 11:18 PM
The biggest scam of all is Full Tilt poker. Since I have a Mac, I am more or less a captive audience to FT. I have tracked exactly 13,626 hands, and please tell me how the following is statistically possible. But this is exactly how it has transpired:
Number of times I had AA: 51
Number of times I lost with them: 47
(not once did I slow play AA or any other hand for that matter.)
Number of times I had KK: 47
Number of times I lost with them: 41
My QQ lost 86.4%
My AK’s held up to win about 50%
A straight or flush was realized by someone 71% of the time.
These were tourneys or s-n-g’s, usually a $24+2 buyin.
This is fraud, my friends. The sheer odds of losing 88 times out of 98 with either AA or KK is 26,440,872 to one.
cheaters room N 1 FU...
stop play FT fraud hands cheaters room N 1 FU...
fuck you bonus
Posted by: Number | June 06, 2010 at 01:49 PM
The biggest scam of all is Full Tilt poker
You came here from searching for The biggest scam of all is Full Tilt poker. These posts might be of interest:
FT fraud hands
Full Tilt scam
Full Tilt fraud hands
FT fraud hands cheaters room N 1
FTP = NOT RANDOM software
FTP = fraud hands
I was playing some rush poker on full tilt... deposited $60 and ran it up $440 playing conservative, making big lay downs etc... then like a light switch my luck ,ahem.. I mean rng, changed in a heart beat.. I lost set after set to straights, flushes and higher sets... lost 2 prs to river sets and straights.. the funny thing is that all the people and hands I was losing to were usually always on all ins, and im not talking pre-flop shoves.... it got so sickening that i logged off of full tilt when i was dealt kk, thats right I didnt even play the hand, I just closed out full tilt while i still had kk... and you might ask why I did that???? well lets just say that I was zero for about 9 with kk, losing huge pots on river... sickening just sickening.... its so obvious that the cash ring games are so obviously rigged with the programmed downswings... fucking hilarious....
I'm not normally one to point fingers, but in this case my hands are starting to cramp. I've played a lot of cards, tournaments and home games. Vegas and AC. Never have I seen the number of suck outs and bad beats as when playing on Fulltilt. Do I believe its rigged? Absolutely!
Latest example: $42 heads up turbo, 300 chips. After about 10 hands back and forth I finally get a call. My A8 to his A2. Anybody who's ever faced A2 knows what's coming. Duece on the flop. No problem. It happens. I had him covered. 5 hands later, my JJ to his KQ. I hit my set and think I'm home free. Only problem is a 9 came out on the flop as well. You guessed it...river 10. Still, it happens.
I claw my way back from the brink. only takes a couple of blinds when playing 300 chips. I have him again. A10 to A9. only problem is, his A is a spade. 4 spades come out. Another loss, but I had him covered. This time I hurting pretty bad. I manage a couple of blinds and beat him with a pair of QQ.
Now this is where I have a problem. 2 hands later I get dealt AA. What luck to get 2 high pairs that close together. I push all in, he's got me covered, hoping that he's got high cards. I get a call. Great. He turns over 5 7 offsuit. Absolutely no reason for him to call that hand. He was playing decent hands till then, and only had me 325 to 275 in chips. Not like he had me 10 to 1. Flop comes out 9 4 8. I knew what was coming. 6 on the turn.
Now you tell me 4 times in 30-35 hands I had him all in with the best hand. Then I get a ridiculous call and he pulls a miracle straight on a hand he never should've called with a cards that stink more that a 5 day old tuna sandwich when there was no need to go all in with that chip count.
You tell me someone's not controlling that and I say you are full of crap. I've taken some bad beats in my time, but that's the equivalent of kicking you while your down and then seeing the bastard feel up your wife right before driving off in your car and running over your dog in the process.
Throw you money down a wishing well, you'll probably get a better result.
I have been playing on FullTilt for a long time and I believe there is something wrong. The amount of bad beats that I have faced is incredible. I mostly play tournaments. Whenever I have taken out money from the site and the next time deposit some, I will 100% loose all.
Initially I used to not believe that the online poker could be ragged but I have seen bad beats which will never happen in real game.
A simple example I had JJ from Mid Position I raised there was a caller with A7 offsuite he calls. Flop is J,9,A I check he bets I put him all in. The next card is a 9 and then an A. This is only exaple.
I had KK I raised on the button and there was a caller with A5 offsuite. Flop is K,9,9. I check and the guys goes all in the next two runner cards are 9,s so he hit quads with A.
It's like I know when I will be getting the bad beat. It is always in tournaments the person with the lesser number of chips and the best hand will loose to a donkey call.
I am not sure I could be wrong but I have faced so many bad beats that I have to quit. It is better to got to AC and play real game then playing online
stop play FT fraud hands cheaters room N 1 FU...
Posted by: NumberA | June 07, 2010 at 01:02 PM
Cодействие развитию экономики, науки, технологий, поддержка инвестиций. Разработка, анализ, расчет экономической целесообразности проектов. Проведение маркетинговых исследований и мониторинга конъюнктуры потребительского рынка Республики Беларусь, Брестской области и г.Бреста в отраслевом и товарном разрезе
Posted by: allbrestorg | October 16, 2010 at 06:45 AM
Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm just being friendly.
Posted by: yogamatfan | October 29, 2010 at 06:34 PM
Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm just being friendly.
Posted by: yogamatfan | October 29, 2010 at 06:34 PM
Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm just being friendly.
Posted by: yogamatfan | October 29, 2010 at 06:34 PM
Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm just being friendly.
Posted by: yogamatfan | October 29, 2010 at 06:34 PM