Every New Year millions of us make resolutions that are either so monumental that they probably will never occur, or mundane and pointless in the long term scheme of life. In the face of this my resolutions are fairly simple and I think I am going to go with a community approach to help put some pressure on me to them. By making yourself accountable to a community you are supercharging the impact our your resolution. So keep reading to find out exactly how I am going to become a rock star, save the planet, and live forever!
1. Improve my cardiovascular fitness. I know I am in good shape and I go the gym often but I know I do not do enough cardio exercise. This year I got a Nike+ Ipod gadget for Chanukah. In the last week since taking up running again I have logged 3 runs and am actually excited to run again. I feel the pressure to turn in 5K runs every few days and I am not even in a group yet. Community based fitness from people out of your zip-code - that is powerful Community Mobilization!
2. Play a better guitar. I have been teaching myself how to play guitar for a few years and I am finally at a point where I need to step it up and join a group or a band that will push me to get better. Even having jam sessions with new friends will help me learn more scales and better techniques.
3. Go greener. I think this resolution should be on everyone's list. I am going to make an effort to search out corn based plastics, phosphate-free detergents, and find other ways to curb our home's CO production and water use. I think with the pressure of pretty much the global community, except the President who did sign Kyoto, there is encouragement enough to stick with it.