This Wired Article is great. It absolutely goes down the list as to wy traditional advertising may not work as well in Second Life as it does in Real Life. What it is missing is the other side of the story that highlights local brands that are thriving. The marketing companies are not doing sufficient engagement within the community to make the investment worthwhile. In an environment where anyone can do anything and the barriers to entry in any business line are summed up with time, effort, and skill, it makes for a tough market. So why buy commercial Jeans when I can get hand scripted designer jeans. Everything is a commodity at L$250.
So how are successful brands doing it? How is the American Cancer Society raising over $100,000.00 USD to support research, awareness activities, and run patient service programs? The answer is not simple, but it revolves around something that major corporations forgot at the dawn of Television. Mass markets are just that, and in some cases special people deserve to treated special. Care for your constituents, give them something of real honest value, and they will support you all the way.
Absolutely agree! I'm just back from spending time at The Second Life Race for Life and it struck me how much better it was than than the commercial Secondfest in-world event organised by Intel and The Guardian just a few weeks back - much of which is down to the fact that SLRFL originates from the community:
Posted by: Bryan Miller | July 29, 2007 at 01:17 PM