In a recent Blog Post, Linden Lab, the owners and operators of Second Life set out their position on the economic maintenance of Lindex market as well as the economy of SL. In short - their goal is to maintain economic stability and currency valuation near L$270 : $1.00 as they can.This is a fair endeavor, but some residents are questioning the greater regulation banking practices in the wake of a Ginko Financial's folding. Even the Economist is waiting to see how this all works itself out.
The resident quandary is can Linden Lab pick and choose the regulatory issues it gets involved in? It is under pressure to remove all casinos from the space and residents are wondering at what point does Linden Lab become more of a governance structure than a simple purveyor of a digital platform. We wonder if government pressure - international government pressers - will force their hand to regulate banking on Second Life, or will it roll over and simply outlaw currency trading sending all transactions underground like other systems.