In a recent article 'Second Life Still a Waste of Time' Ken Wheaton exposes on how virtual world environments are a waste of time energy and money for advertisers. Ken not only does not get Second Life, Ken does not get 'community'. Ken is used to putting adds on TV and radio, and maybe a banner add or two. Ken can not carry on a conversation with his market - all that traditional marketing knows is that you have to broadcast the message loud ad far and hope that it sticks to something or someone. If you throw enough of it on a wall something is bound to stick.
Jaffe Juice has a great set of ideas on why traditional marketers are afraid of SL and virtual worlds. It is outside of of the traditional marketers frame of reference. This is why brands are not going to marketing firms to carry out their virtual world marketing - they are headed to specialty metaverse development firms. Seems like clients would not be shrugging their shoulders and leaving virtual worlds if their marketing teams did a better job of helping them understand the environment, set realistic goals, expectations, and developed a conversational approach to consumer engagement. But hey ... marketers like Ken just don't get.