October 27th -28th I attended the What Teens Want Conference in LA presented by W. The conference brought together industry professionals and real live teen marketers and teens for presentations and some discussion on what teens want in their lives and in their marketing. The general thread was authenticity and in some cases I found that a tough pill to swallow. I can understand that the authenticity of the message being key but it seems that the messenger still needs to be highly curated, groomed, and overseen.
Leverage real world purchases to drive in-game rewards.
Non-disruptive relevant content that works with the game experience. Drive the interaction to the experience the teen is expecting not what you want it to be.
Extreme over-exposure to marketing messages. So get teens to co-own and personally invest in the brand via experiences. <Mt. Dew, Glee, Mac, MTV, ForumSpring>
Be relevant and local with content and use on-line as a listening platform and build community. Teens LOVE being used as product advisers - their opinion matters.
Teens want content creation in a channel agnostic setting. Talk with them the same way they talk with each other. ** Lady GaGa.
New Media Channels:
Real time reflex delivers real time feedback. That leads to situational hyper awareness and frankly that removes life's surprises.
Teen choices should inform interaction dynamics and that should come from authentic interactions. Try to create a self-curate experience where they can create and share. Let the,m define their 'cool'.
Embrace competition because it drives interaction. Contest allows egos to flex. Teens get bored and competition can generate new content and keep things new.
Balance crowdsourced ideas with the business needs that are measurable. Be sure to avoid narrow casting echo-chambers.
Internet will not replace TV, but the experience is going to evolve to on demand on device. The key is storytelling has to remain strong with great characters and great story lines. For web series use full or more than 1/2 views to judge ROI not auto views and abandons.
Sports and Teen Marketing
Action sports are unique because they are really individual effort sports and have defined lifestyle / character element.
Good case examples are FIFA World Cup face painting application by BUDWIESER, Mt. Dew new flavor design, Warner Bros. Girl Power Campaign, Gymkanah- DC Shoes
Teens have a sense of communal and global responsiblety. There is opportunity to link the two via cause marketing.
Clean & Clear executed a promotion with Demi Lovato and used the AOL Cambia network to energize, and activate tenn volunteers. Campaign goal was to link the new product with the Dosomething.org community action group. Success measured by the level of teen interaction and sales of new product.
Les adolescents sont alway comme ça, ils veulent toujours sports.
Posted by: casino en ligne | May 16, 2011 at 09:58 AM
If your target market is teenagers, then you'll really have to cook something up that will spark their interests, male and female alike. That one about giving in-game rewards is an awesome idea. There are teens who are willing to spend cash on great in-game items. Take, for example, World of Warcraft.
Posted by: Joana Leighmoore | August 24, 2011 at 09:30 AM