If you right click on a web page and scroll down in the menu bar you eventually come to an obscure function called 'view source'. If you click on it a new screen opens up and displays pages and pagees of txet that is the website code that makes the page display correctly - with all of the colors, margins, boxes and content. There is a discussion if the view source option is valuable.
For a web designer it is a road map to the webpage, enabling them to read the instructions and creative thoughts that went into the page. In addition designers can copy and reuse sections of code to recreate certain effects and attricbutes such as moving objects, page layouts, and even web functionality. Being able to investigate a page's structure promotes curriosity, learning, and personal investment in expanding the entire field.
The reason view source is a social is because so many designers and developers use it to expand thier own understanding of the web. They capture and repurpose good ideas and make theirs avaliable in an open HTM environemnt (you can not view source on a Flash site).The element of sharing certainly contributed to HTM being the dominent programming language. View source is an intrinsic component of HTML markup that should be preserved for the benefit of the web development community as a whole.